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The Abyss Stares Back: Who’s the Bitch?

As some of you already know, after the whole Vegeta (formerly Feng Shui) thing a couple of years ago, I was angry, confused, and looking for answers.  So, curious about what really goes on in the minds of men, I wandered into a PUA/relationship advice for men blog ,Roissy in DC, now called Citizen Renegade. …


Yesterday, I received my package of 180 g. hoodia gordonii powder.  So far, it’s working very nicely.  Actually, it’s working too well.  I haven’t been hungry since last night, and I was barely so then.  I didn’t finish but half of the sandwich and maybe 5 chips that I had as my weekly indulgence. In…

Got My Tortilla Maker, YAY!

Yesterday, I got the tortilla maker that I got from Sam’s Stores.  It is a dream.  Once I figured out how to work it properly, I made 15 perfect, soy free little tortillas.  With this baby, I can make them every night. It cost a lot with the shipping, but it was worth every penny. …

Goodbye Bitch

I woke up this morning to find another damned message on my cellphone, “I’m gone bye,” from Hannibal.  Thursday night brought the usual weekly conversation about why I don’t want to shag him.  I told him straight up, numerous times, that it’s because he treats me like an ugly girl.  I was very clear that…

The Calorie Deficit Year

As some of you know, if you’ve been keeping track of my weight loss progress, it has been slow but sure since I went natural.  Because I’m a bit vain and getting older though, since I’ve handled the content, it’s time to handle the calories to a degree.  No, I’m not going to start weighing…

The Ugly Other Woman

Googling around, as I’m prone to do, I found an interesting article: Why Do Men Cheat With Ugly Women? It was from the pretty girlfriend/wife’s perspective.  I have some sympathy for a good woman who gets cheated on, no matter what she looks like.  I have no sympathy for gold diggers or harpies though.  Most…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D