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Am I Ugly?

Many young girls on the internet are asking this question lately. As I’ve said many times, the only truly ugly woman is one who has lost her womanhood. This can be done the Smigel way by worrying about the wrong thing and neglect, or the Darth Vader way of active hatred leading to the voluntary…

The Least of These…

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Okay, to all the ethnonationalists and the ethno-aware and the ethno-don’t-care out there, here’s a question: What have you done for someone in your “us” group today? I don’t mean something general or something virtual.  What real act of kindness or charity have you done for someone among your “us” today who…

To the Uncle Tomskis Kissing Anglo Ass In The MRA and PUA Blogs

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] My daughter just sent me this link:  Gym owner thinks she can muscle people into getting her way – 9GAG. Aside of being a good story of hard working, kind men winning against a rather ill tempered, probably borderline roid raging crazy woman, it’s a nice reminder of something important. Before the…

Feminism Does Not Mean Equality Unless You Are a Misogynist

Date Rape Nail Polish

[caption id="attachment_1046" align="alignleft" width="254"] Feminism does not even allow males the right to be awesome.[/caption] To say that “feminism” is actually about equality is, in itself sexist.   Any “ism” is an ideology.  An ideology that has a specific group prefixing the “ism” is exclusive to the interests of that group.  To assume that putting “fem”…

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