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It’s Definitely Not Fear

[caption id="attachment_355" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="April 2, 2011 Swimming in my clothes"][/caption] The gloom seems to have been a phase.  Since that day, I seem to be well sorted and strangely more attractive.  Perhaps not sexually so, but sentimentally, which is fine.  Even my dance has shifted a bit.  I was using mostly Arab music, but…

Who’s the Bitch II: Men Faking Orgasms

I haven’t been doing a lot of writing lately because my hands have been busy with art.  Some of it involves the making of mystical or psychospiritual items that require a lot of concentration to make properly.  As a non Santa-ist, I respect the aeons of trial and error that went into the symbolism, and…

Crazy Christian Kills Mom

Michael Brea, a former actor in Ugly Betty, is accused of killing his mom with a samurai sword while trying to force her to accept Jesus Christ. Crazy Christians…This is why it is so important not to Santa Claus the unfathomable, omnipotent, and omnipresent Creator of the Universe.  You can’t believe that people are going to hell for…

Myth: BDSM Attracts the Ugly

We have some interesting conversations in the abyss.  Yet again though, a post delving into the Freak Zone (in which I’m carrying a V.I.P. card) has inspired the regurgitation of some popular myths in the comments.  One of them is that BDSM is particularly attractive to ugly people who can’t get laid. Yeah, I know…

The Amazing Twisted Sister

Step right up, folks!  Welcome to a world where disagreement in a discussion means harassment, following a link means cyberstalking, and posting a photo, even by mistake, in your blog without wasting the author’s bandwidth is a copyright violation warranting shutting down your site. This is the world of Bene Viera, a writer on  As you…

It is ON! Essence Forum Discussion on Bene Viera’s Thought Policing

Updated July 28, 2014 A few years ago, I started a discussion at the community forum entitled Should a Black Man Be Allowed to Disagree? What set it off was Bene Viera and some others deciding that Obsidian didn’t have the right to speak his mind about the state of relationships in the African American community.…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D