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How to spot deepfakes created by AI image generators

As the 2024 campaign season begins, AI image generators have advanced from novelties to powerful tools able to generate photorealistic images, while comprehensive regulation lags behind.Why it matters: As more fake images appear in political ads, the onus will be on the public to spot phony content.Go deeper: Can you tell the difference between real…

Critics aren’t sold on latest AI doomsday warning | Popular Science

“There’s a very common misconception, even in the AI community, that there only are a handful of doomers. But, in fact, many people privately would express concerns about these things,” added Hendrycks.But critics remain wary of both the motivations behind such public statements, as well as their feasibility.“Don’t be fooled: it’s self-serving hype disguised as…

SocGholish Malware Analysis | malware-analysis

SocGholish is a malware family that can be found on compromised web sites. When users land on these sites they may get presented with a fake update. Whether or not the fake update is displayed is dependent on numerous factors. For example, the site will check your source IP for anything that might indicate you’re…

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