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A.I. is B.S.

AI is BS

[embed][/embed] The real risk of A.I. isn’t that some super-intelligent computer is going to take over in the future – it’s that the humans in the tech industry are going to screw the rest of us over right now.

Windows 11 Snipping Tool privacy bug exposes cropped image content


A severe privacy flaw named ‘acropalypse’ has also been found to affect the Windows Snipping Tool, allowing people to partially recover content that was edited out of an image.Last week, security researchers David Buchanan and Simon Aarons discovered that a bug in Google Pixel’s Markup Tool caused the original image data to be retained even…

Comment: Bots run rampant on social media, and most people can’t tell the difference – Study Finds

Bots run rampant on social media, and most people can’t tell the difference

Scientists from Copenhagen Business School conducted an experiment in which 375 participants were asked to differentiate between real and fake social media profiles. The fake accounts were created and maintained by some of the latest AI technology. The ensuing results were eye-opening. Subjects largely could not tell the difference between artificially generated fake Twitter accounts…

The TERF AI App That Uses Modern Pseudoscience

The TERF AI App That Uses Modern Pseudoscience

[embed][/embed] What happens when capitalism, AI, and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist?

How the first chatbot predicted the dangers of AI more than 50 years ago

From ELIZA onwards, humans love their digital reflections. In 1966, MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum released ELIZA (named after the fictional Eliza Doolittle from George Bernard Shaw’s 1913 play Pygmalion), the first program that allowed some kind of plausible conversation between humans and machines. The process was simple: Modeled after the Rogerian style of psychotherapy,…

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