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Negging and Shit Testing as Survival Strategies

Men complain about shit testing, and women complain about negging, but these things are extremely important in mate selection.  On the surface, the reason women shit test is to filter out overly compliant men and attract more masculine self assured men.  Men neg to filter out under-nurturing women, and attract compliant women who are actually…

Advertising on Witch University

Hmmm…seems this post didn’t age very well because, as I learned the hard way, most businesses think centralized social media platforms and/or “targeted ads” are going to make them the most money. I suppose for some it does, but for those of us who don’t have a million regular visitors or more, it doesn’t work.…

False Rape Accusations: How to Reduce Your Chances

Frank Embree

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] In 1889, Frank Embree was accused of raping a 14 year old (“white”) woman (back then, 14 was considered a woman).  He was innocent, but confessed after receiving 100 lashes with a whip.  Then he was castrated, flayed and then burned alive in front of a cheering crowd. There have been many…

Note to Self: No Loss, No Floss

Update May 26, 2023: DAMN I had internalized a lot of fatphobia back then. What’s weird to me about this looking back is that at this point I was already five years into needing a knee replacement, and just delaying because I figured if I lost some more weight I’d be fine. I was so…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D