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The BDSM origins of “Yes Means Yes”

The elaborate rules and rituals that permeate the BDSM subculture, which definitely involves the active and ongoing seeking of consent of its largely submissive and female participants on the part of its largely dominant and male participants during a sexual encounter or session, is something that, in theory, everyone could benefit from. Of all the…

Feminism Does Not Mean Equality Unless You Are a Misogynist

Date Rape Nail Polish

[caption id="attachment_1046" align="alignleft" width="254"] Feminism does not even allow males the right to be awesome.[/caption] To say that “feminism” is actually about equality is, in itself sexist.   Any “ism” is an ideology.  An ideology that has a specific group prefixing the “ism” is exclusive to the interests of that group.  To assume that putting “fem”…

Marion Zimmer Bradley: It’s Worse Than I Knew

I’m still the girl who quakes within And tries to rip off all her skin I’m scared of water, scared of the dark My mother’s vicious, brutal mark. In self-admiring tones she told Of self restraint in a story old. For twice near death she’d beaten me, And now she wants my sympathy. I’ve gone…

The Gender Equality Paradox

A Norwegian documentary host explores the issue of gender, and how the Norwegian and other western public is being brainwashed to believe in anti scientific assertions about it.  A new mythology has been created that biology has absolutely no relevance in gender roles or sexual orientation, and that freedom individuals to choose is not as important as herding people so that all careers and occupations are 50:50.

Brainwash 1:7 – The Gender Equality Paradox from Harald Eia on Vimeo.

Brainwash 3:7 – Gay/straight from Harald Eia on Vimeo.

Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome

Last night, I had a dream that pretty much encapsulated my true feelings about the eurocentric brand of Christianity. It began like most of my family road trip dreams do.  My parents, brothers and I are going along a country road.  Dad is driving, and Mom is smiling, and my younger brothers and I are…

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