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Hell Hath No Fury

It has come to light that the fact of Obsidian’s blog being taken out happening on the tail of the swirling discussion was just a matter of coincidence.  The true culprit is a “repressed” writer who believes people shouldn’t be allowed to critique her articles: Bene Viera. To get an idea of how petty she is,…

Why Dorks Pick on Fatties

In the military, many of us get the advice to be very mindful that when you fire a shot, you are giving away your position. Spend enough time on the internet, and you’ll encounter reams of text on the horror that is the fat woman.  According to many anonymous yet apparently intellectual males, not only…

Fat Acceptors! Stop Asking Robots For Acceptance

A sad fact of human nature that I came to understand in elementary school is that there are two kinds of people: thinkers and non thinkers. Thinkers may run the range as far as levels of social dependence.  Some may understand a situation, but lack the courage to actively shape it.  They will conform to…

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