Well, it looks like the Chateau Heartiste has turned from a game/PUA blog to a “white” nationalist blog. I’m very disappointed, especially since the point of game is to help men be men. I didn’t expect to see this omega shit from the Heartiste.
…but it is what it is..
“[CH: blacks are the most unthinkingly tribal of races. they excuse every failure and imagine every success. they project their own dysfunctional behavior onto every other race. they perceive slights at the same time their own reckless strutting pride lobs insult after insult onto non-blacks. they are the least introspective group and the most emotionally pliable. there is no reasoning with them. separation, in form or in function, is the only answer.]”
This was in response to a rather insane response to my posting about how I was actually done wrong by some racist “white” people, and yet for some reason, it never drove me to blame the sheep for the decisions of the shepherd. They keep accusing me of hating “white” people because I simply require the same sense of personal responsibility from them as I do from everyone else. My African and Jewish friends can attest to this.
So, since he wants to be separate so badly, then he can be separate from anybody but likeminded Anglos online too.
…and now, a summary of what the Chateau has been like lately:
The Circle Jerk
Two of my favorite things in the world to do
Is hangin’ niggers and blamin’ Jews
But the cops don’t let us string ’em up no more
And when I do pushups my belly drags the floor.
Since I don’t have the discipline to join the force
And if I go to jail, I’ll be divorced
I just sit at my keyboard. What else can I do?
If I can’t hang a nigger, I’ll just blame a Jew!
Those god damn niggers love to be hung
It’s why they evolved with their necks so strong
The good lord made them fast to give us a chase
But since we say so, we’re the superior race.
Dr. Quack Whitecoat sez so in his book
And Cigstache beats Hallie Berry in looks.
If you disagree, there’s something wrong with you
You’ve been brainwashed, or you must be a Jew!
Yes we must separate from the darker races
Now let’s think about all the places…
No wait because in Europe we couldn’t afford
To dream up Jewish devils when we’re bored.
We’d look and have to work like everyone around
And there’d be nothing lower than us but the ground
So let’s stay here in America and bitch about it
Where freedom of speech means we can talk shit.
Jew, jew, jew, jew, jewbedee jew
Frankfurt school and a big black dick or two
Misgenating wop hybrid guido spics too
I’m not an underachiever just a victim of Jews.
Sad to see another movement go to shit because of crybabies who think they were uniquely put upon, blame the wrong people, and jostle for position in the hierarchy of victimhood.
I don’t need to allow that kind of weakness into my consciousness.
On the subject of personal responsibility, to the dudes I referred there, I am so very sorry. To the European, especially western European ones, I am sorry for sending you to a site where your Ancestors would be shamed by the shamelessly weak.
I ask your forgiveness. In order not to repeat this mistake, I will no longer be linking to unmoderated game blogs. This way, I won’t mistake encouragement of weakness for mere tolerance of it on the road to improvement.