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Americans Ignore Feminist Protests in Spain

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Update May 9, 2022: I wrote this article in 2014, before I learned that I am a feminist: a maternal feminist/trans-inclusive womanist. I’m not sure what the acronym for that is. TIW maybe? What I didn’t realize at the time was that the real problem I had wasn’t feminism but the way…

False Rape Accusations: How to Reduce Your Chances

Frank Embree

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] In 1889, Frank Embree was accused of raping a 14 year old (“white”) woman (back then, 14 was considered a woman).  He was innocent, but confessed after receiving 100 lashes with a whip.  Then he was castrated, flayed and then burned alive in front of a cheering crowd. There have been many…

Israeli Hell

So that you know what I’m talking about when I use the term “Israeli hell”, this is where it came from: Three lawyers are in a car on the highway.  One is American, one French, and one Israeli.  They get into a car accident, and all three die at the same time. They arrive at…

Facial Justice, a Novel About Postmodernist Hatred of Beauty

The first chapter contains the scene of two female friends meeting. The prettier of the two has been reported to the authorities for her good looks, and faces cumpulsory plastic surgery to level her down to the average standard. “It was my lashes they mostly picked on, for being too long and curly. My fault,…

Am I Ugly?

Many young girls on the internet are asking this question lately. As I’ve said many times, the only truly ugly woman is one who has lost her womanhood. This can be done the Smigel way by worrying about the wrong thing and neglect, or the Darth Vader way of active hatred leading to the voluntary…

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