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I’m not obligated to love you. « Random Xpat Rantings

Being loveable is a skill. People with little experience of being loved want and perhaps even NEED to downplay that fact. Being loveable is a skill. Nobody deserves love. We are not newborn babies and I’m not some mothers nipple. We earn it, through our actions. By adding value. By being happy and sharing happiness.…

The Least of These…

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Okay, to all the ethnonationalists and the ethno-aware and the ethno-don’t-care out there, here’s a question: What have you done for someone in your “us” group today? I don’t mean something general or something virtual.  What real act of kindness or charity have you done for someone among your “us” today who…

The Zen Garden

The other day, I went to Haifa University to meet Diva to hang out.  We had lunch and then visited the witchcraft and mysticism section of the library.  Then we went to sit in what I guess passes for a Zen garden in Israel. Most of the bamboo was dead or dying, and it was…

Day of Fried SIN

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Between the post-stress reactions involved with freeing myself from an emotionally retarded meat puppet’s attempts at controlling me, and the announcement that we are once again at war, I thought it was time for a good old southern “YOLO” meal. I made Israeli mac-and-cheese (a ptitim/Israeli cousous casserole), “stoner fried chicken” (a combination of the…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D