Why Monothetism Doesn’t Work

Understanding the origins of many belief systems, I came to understand that monotheism was only the worship of an all encompassing Supreme Being for those who’d previously had and accepted a complete enough pantheon.  Some of these people can combine all gods into one with some success.  What happens in most cases, and certainly in…


The new dating and dipping situation is going fairly well.  The dry spells are a bit longer because I’m more selective, but so far I have done well in absolutely avoiding any heart rending situations. I’m beginning to understand how the young ladies can get caught up in the cock carousel though.  At that age,…


Here’s a pic of me from Friday night.  I’m looking kind of screwed up, but better from the neck down.  I’m still attracting mostly the inordinately butch, but now I don’t mind this at all.          

Send Love to the Sikh Community African Style

On August 5, 2012 a man entered a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, and murdered six people.  As people in Africa and the diaspora, we are quite used to religious oppression, and generally take precautions to prevent terroristic attacks of our temples and even many churches.  One of the duties of ushers for some and designated…