Comment: Bots run rampant on social media, and most people can’t tell the difference – Study Finds

Bots run rampant on social media, and most people can’t tell the difference

Scientists from Copenhagen Business School conducted an experiment in which 375 participants were asked to differentiate between real and fake social media profiles. The fake accounts were created and maintained by some of the latest AI technology. The ensuing results were eye-opening. Subjects largely could not tell the difference between artificially generated fake Twitter accounts…

African homophobia and the colonial roots of African conservatism

Nairobi Skyline. Image credit Mkimemia via Wikimedia Commons.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="286"] Nairobi Skyline. Image credit Mkimemia via Wikimedia Commons.[/caption] Ever since Europe colonized Africa on the back of an imperial propaganda of the “Civilizing Mission,” the West has always been seen as an enemy of the customary, a modernizing savior rescuing a reluctant Africa from the jaws of a tribal existence. In…

Israel’s ‘Day of Disruption’ protest by land, air and sea – In pictures – Israel Politics – The Jerusalem Post

Israelis protest the judicial reform at the southern entrance to Haifa on March 9, 2023. (credit: YOAV ETIEL/WALLA!)
Israel’s ‘Day of Disruption’ protest by land, air and sea – In pictures (The Jerusalem Post)

Demonstrators on Thursday morning blocked traffic into the departures area at Ben-Gurion Airport as part of the nationwide judicial reform protests taking place throughout the country.

As people crowd into the streets to protest against the judicial reform bill, the century-old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” certainly rings true. Source: Israel’s ‘Day of Disruption’ protest by land, air and sea – In pictures – Israel Politics – The Jerusalem Post

The TERF AI App That Uses Modern Pseudoscience

The TERF AI App That Uses Modern Pseudoscience

[embed][/embed] What happens when capitalism, AI, and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist?