Things Are Always Changing

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] Updated September 23, 2023. I have officially stopped giving a fuck. I think I’ve reached that age where it’s not that I forgive people who’ve hurt me the way that forgiveness is often interpreted. I just reach a point where I’d rather just kind of forget that they exist, and part of…

Narcissists, Group Behaviour, and Terrorism

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, suicide bombers and other terrorists are well-educated, well-traveled, technologically-skilled, and relatively or recently affluent. They feel strongly about the way their civilization (culture, religion, and society) is being manhandled and mistreated by the West and its allies. Such slights may be imaginary but they still exert a morbid influence on people…

Negging and Shit Testing as Survival Strategies

Men complain about shit testing, and women complain about negging, but these things are extremely important in mate selection.  On the surface, the reason women shit test is to filter out overly compliant men and attract more masculine self assured men.  Men neg to filter out under-nurturing women, and attract compliant women who are actually…

5 Narcissist Red Flags

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]If you meet a person like this, RUN, don’t walk.  RUN! It took me almost 44 years to get involved with this kind of crazy unawares.  So don’t think it can’t happen to you.  Don’t explain things away or second guess your instincts.  Just kick them to the curb or go. 1. A…

A Narcissist’s Love Letter | Thought Catalog

When I say I’m in love with you I mean I love being your mystery, your riddle, being what keeps you up at night, your obsession. I love being your altar, your sacrament, your icon, your miracle. I love being your answer. I love being the object of your sacrifice. I love being your pain.…

Metallica – King Nothing (Lyrics) – YouTube

I feel sorry for people so empty that they can’t really love.  They seem to mistake “useful to me at the time” for love, and end up hurting everyone who actually loves them.  They seem unable to understand the idea of caring for someone else’s wellbeing more than one cares for one’s own convenience. I…

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