Can AI help Gen Z workers make up lost ground? – BBC Worklife

Gen Z has had a hard landing into the workforce. Starting jobs amid the global pandemic, many of these new workers have missed out on gaining essential hard- and soft skills usually gleaned by working alongside older colleagues.However, as the first truly digital generation, their innate fluency with technology could help them make up some…

Meta’s LLaMa 2 license is not Open Source – Voices of Open Source

OSI is pleased to see that Meta is lowering barriers for access to powerful AI systems, but unfortunately, Meta has created the misunderstanding that LLaMa 2 is “open source” – it is not. Even assuming the term can be validly applied to a large language model comprising several resources of different kinds, Meta is confusing…

Accessibility in Design | Turtle Design

Imagine you’ve found a perfect food spot to try that you’ve been waiting in line for and when you finally get to the front you see a small, faded, hard to read “cash only” sign at the door. Unfortunately you have no cash with you, so you leave the line in shame.Although this example is…

Interview: Chris Miller, historian and author of “Chip War”

In which I consult an expert on the battle to control the semiconductor industry. The struggle to control the semiconductor industry is one of the most important economic stories in the world today. Whether China can wrest dominance of semiconductors away from the U.S. and its democratic allies, as it has so many other high-tech…